Heidi Ahonen, PhD (University of Joensuu, Finland 1998), is a licensed and certified psychotherapist and group analyst. She holds clinical membership at Ontario Society of Psychotherapists (OSP), Canada and the Advanced level Psychotherapy registration with protected title at the National Register of Healthcare Professionals of the National Authority for Medicolegal Affairs, Finland.
Heidi is also an accredited music therapist by the Canadian Music Therapy Association, and she holds full professional memberships at the Group Analytic Society, London, UK, American Group Psychotherapy Association (AGPA), Canadian Group Psychotherapy Association (CGPA), and by International Association of Group psychotherapy (IAGP). Heidi has an extensive clinical experience with traumatized individuals and in trauma psychotherapy and group psychotherapy. She also has a wide-spread experience in clinical supervision with therapists, social workers, health-care professionals, spiritual care workers, and various people helping traumatized individuals.
Heidi has authored several books, published in various international scholarly journals and presented in many conferences.
Heidi has wide-spread experience in clinical supervision with therapists, social workers, health-care professionals, spiritual care workers, and various people helping traumatized individuals. Heidi has authored several books, published in various international scholarly journals and presented in many conferences.